Department of Banking and Financial Sciences

About college

The Message

Providing local financial and banking institutions with human competencies qualified to deal with the new financial and banking tools and methods to raise the level of their performance, as well as providing scientific, research and advisory services needed by these institutions, in a way that contributes to serving the national economy, and by benefiting from the experiences and skills accumulated by faculty members.

Goals 🎯

1. Simulating advanced educational systems in banking and financial sciences by expanding understanding of the mathematical and applied basis.

2. Preparing scientific personnel specialized in financial and banking aspects to work in state institutions and the private sector.

3. Spreading a sound financial and banking culture at the national level through holding scientific and professional courses, workshops, seminars and conferences, as well as preparing specialized scientific studies and research.

4. Work to empower the students of the department scientifically, knowledgeably, and skillfully, and put them in the picture of the latest developments and developments in the financial markets and the world of banking, in a way that qualifies them to respond to the requirements of the labor market.

5. Contribute to finding solutions to the problems that the Iraqi financial and banking institutions suffer from.

Work to attract qualified professors and experts to contribute to providing students with theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of specialization.

The Vision

Improving the status of Iraqi financial and banking institutions to keep pace with scientific and technological developments at the local level throughout Iraq.



Excellence in educational performance.

Promote the ethics of teaching and scientific research.​

Mutual respect and distinguished cooperation with financial and banking institutions.

Teaching staff

Prof. Dr. Abbas Muhammad Hussein

Assistant Professor.
Head of Department.


M. M. Ahmed Nouri Hassan

assistant teacher.
Department decision.


M.M Falah Hamad Fadel

assistant teacher.



The first stage / the first course

Credits Practical hours
theoretical hours
Article in English
Article in Arabic
3 - 3 Principles of Economics(1) مبادئ الاقتصاد(1)
3 - 3 Principles of Business Mangement(1) مبادئ ادارة الاعمال (1)
3 - 3 Principles of Accounting(1) مبادئ المحاسبة(1)
3 - 3 Principles of Statistics(1) مبادئ الاحصاء(1)
2 - 2 Human Rights&Democracy حقوق الانسان والديمقراطية
2 - 2 Reading in Banking and Finance قراءات مالية ومصرفية
2 - 2 Arabic Language اللغة العربية
1 - 1 English Language اللغة الانكليزية

The first stage / the second course

Credits Practical hours
theoretical hours
Article in English
Article in Arabic
3 - 3 Principles of Economics(2)
مبادئ الاقتصاد(2)
3 - 3 Principles of Business Mangement(2)
مبادئ ادارة الاعمال(2)
3 - 3 Principles of Accounting(2)
مبادئ المحاسبة(2)
3 - 3 Principles of Statistics(2)
مبادئ الاحصاء(2)
2 - 2 Reading in Banking and Finance
قراءات مالية ومصرفية
2 2 2 Computer Skills مهارات الحاسوب
1 - 1 English Language اللغة الانكليزية

The second stage / the first course

Credits Practical hours
theoretical hours
Article in English
Article in Arabic
3 - 3 Financial Mathematics رياضيات مالية
3 - 3 Money and Banking نقود ومصارف
2 - 2 Commercial law قانون تجاري
2 - 2 Public Finance(1) مالية عامة(1)
2 - 2 Financial Mangement(1) ادارة مالية(1)
3 2 2 Banking Data Base(1) قواعد بيانات مصرفية(1)
3 - 3 Intermediate Accounting محاسبة متوسطة(1)

The second stage / the second course

Credits Practical hours
theoretical hours
Article in English
Article in Arabic
2 - 2 Public Finance

مالية عامة(2)

3 - 3 Financial and Banking Institutions مؤسسات مالية ومصرفية
3 - 3 Bank Marketing تسويق مصرفي
2 - 2 Financial Management(2) ادارة مالية(2)
2 - 2 Electronic Commerce تجارة الكترونية
3 2 2 Banking Data Base(2) (2)قواعد بيانات مصرفية
3 - 3 Intermediate Accounting(2) محاسبة متوسطة(2)
3                        -                         3                       Monetary Policies and the Banking System    سياسات نقدية وجهاز مصرفي          
2                        -                         2                      English Language      اللغة الانكليزية      

The third stage / the first course

Credits Practical hours
theoretical hours
Article in English
Article in Arabic
2 - 2 Econometrics for Finance اقتصاد قياسي ومالي
2 - 2 Corporate Finance(1) تمويل شركات (1)
3 - 3 Quantitative Techniques اساليب كمية
2 - 2 Unified accounting system(1) نظام محاسبي موحد(1)
3 2 2 Bank Transactions عمليات مصرفية
2 - 2 Bank Accounting(1) محاسبة مصرفية(1)
3 - 3 Cost Accounting(1) محاسبة تكاليف(1)

The third stage / the second course

Credits Practical hours
theoretical hours
Article in English
Article in Arabic
3 - 3 Financial Markets   اسواق مالية
2 - 2 Corporate Finance(2)
تمويل شركات (2)
3 - 3 Financial Risk Mangement
ادارة المخاطر المالية
3 - 3 Unified accounting  system(2)
نظام محاسبي موحد(2)
3 - 3 Evaluating Investment Decisions تقييم قرارات استثمار 
2 - 2 Bank Accounting(2) 
محاسبة مصرفية(2)
3 - 3 Cost Accounting(2)
محاسبة تكاليف(2)
2 - 2 English Language اللغة الانكليزية

The fourth stage / the first course

Credits Practical hours
theoretical hours
Article in English
Article in Arabic
3 - 3 Accounting & Banking Information System نظم معلومات محاسبية ومصرفية
3 - 3 Investment Portlier محفظة استثمارية
2 - 2 Auditing Financial Control(1) تدقيق ورقابة (1)
3 - 3 Banking International Standards معايير مصرفية دولية
2 - 2 Methodology of Scientific Research اخلاقيات وأساليب البحث العلمي3
3 - 3 Managerial Accounting(1) محاسبة ادارية(1)
2 - 2 Islamic Banks(1) مصارف اسلامية(1)

The fourth stage / the second course

Credits Practical hours
theoretical hours
Article in English
Article in Arabic
2 - 2 Graduation Project

مشروع البحث

2 - 2 Auditing & Financial Control(2) (2)التدقيق والرقابة
3 - 3 Managerial Accounting(2) محاسبة ادارية(2)
3 - 3 International Financing تمويل دولي
2 - 2 Islamic Banks مصارف اسلامية (2)
3 - 3 Studies and Project evaluation دراسة وتقييم المشاريع
2 - 2 English Language اللغةة الانكليزية

​الطلبة الاوائل

قائمة الطلبة الاوائل – المرحلة الاولى - الكورس الاولى+الكورس الثاني


شوق مهند كامل 


منتظر حسين محمد


تمارة سلام قاسم

قائمة الطلبة الاوائل – المرحلة الثانية - الكورس الاول+الكورس الثاني


ميار علاء عباس


شمس صباح نوري 


سارة سعيد هلال